Malpractice Reporting
The law requires that ANY malpractice claim of ANY kind SHALL be reported regardless. This includes ANY and all malpractice claims that you may have been named in even if you are not the primary defendant. PLEASE note, pursuant to law, all reports of malpractice claims are a matter of public record.
Please print this form and complete the required fields. Mail the completed form to the Board office. When there is a status change or resolution of the malpractice claim, you must complete an additional form and send in to the board. This form may be used at any other time through out the year if you need to report any malpractice issues. Per NRS 633.527 - An Osteopathic Physician shall report any action for malpractice against them within 45 days. As well, all actions are deemed public knowledge. (Please see actual statute for full explanation)